Thursday, April 26, 2012

1st Progress Update

So I have been working mostly diligently on the rules and I am excusing my lack of posts due to this mostly diligent work. The work comes in outline form so I can bounce from topic to topic as they come to mind. 

The brunt of today's work lies in mostly the nitty gritty of the institution: the company. I've been developing types of reports, orders, and officers. I'm also deep into creating how the production of material goods, research projects, and the construction of structures is to work. For material good production, you'll need personnel/prospectors, building materials, tools, and facilities to produce the good. This could be from the production of knives to the grandiose Ætherships. 

If this sounds overwhelming for a game where we shoot bb guns at each other, its for the people who have megalomania on the mind. I want to embrace all levels of organization, from "wolf packs" of players to massive conglomerates of companies raging war on each other. It will really serve as a good way to get a sense of scale and enormity to the game when it gets rolling months into it. 

And it seems because of these rules I'm working on, most of the rule book will not need to be read by most players since they won't be running massive companies--they'll be a part of one. 

But these complicated rules are for something, when there is a diverse and extensive economic model; then the chance for exploitation is great. Who needs to destroy a marching army, when you went behind them and slaughtered the personnel who were transporting their food and ammunition? Why research and develop technology when you can steal the blueprints from the laboratory that produced them? The more complicated it gets (without getting boring, no one will need to produce shoes, axle grease, etc), the more niches players and their companies can fill. 

Further, with such an economic model, war becomes much more interesting and really ominous. When you have no needs, there is no reason to kill the guy over the next hill to steal the bread from his mouth. But when you chance starvation, the rock looks ever more interesting to use as a weapon to bash your neighbor's head in. I wanted to play a real in-depth war game, and I intend to deliver.

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