Saturday, April 28, 2012

Technologies, Fantastic and Mysterious in Nature

I felt that the current tech tree was looking slim and very bland, so I'm adding some devices; some very typically steampunk, others more general science fiction. 

Resonance device: Used during a sabotage attempt instead of dynamite which will work on any size building. Can fully collapse a building without looking like it was malicious. 

Televiewer: You may reserve one order to be made after viewing the results of all orders in a particular hex, effectively seeing into the future. I might have this be more orders than just one, but I didn't want a whole lot of companies producing this type of device and then having basically days to resolve all the orders. The viewing/resolution of the orders for multiple televiewers will be first in last out. 
 (Phillip K Dick)

Neutralization Gas: X% of personnel on a hex cannot be used in a field battle (effectively dazed or pacified). 

Telepathic Projector: A player may attempt to order personnel on a hex they are on despite those personnel hold no loyalty to them. X% chance of success.

Telepathic Inhibitor: Orders made with a telepathic projector have a reduced % chance of success.

Tesla Cannon: Used before battles to slay combat personnel, especially during boarding actions. This will have to be tweaked a lot. 

Automatons: this shouldn't need an explination

Zombies: but not the type that infect

Ætherships: vessels that sail on the Æther. 

Plasma Cannons: Projects plasma projectiles into enemies

Replicators: a la Star Trek, this is a very powerful technology and would pretty much destroy an economy, unless copyright laws are amazingly enforced. 

Teleporters: a la everywhere

There are a ton more of weird science-y stuff we'll be playing with in the game, but this is just a taste. The rule book will fully disclose the whole tech tree for super planers. 

1 comment:

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